The Monday Morning Dip Club
Every Monday morning throughout the year* we battle in to our wetsuits at 9am and head for a quick swim from the beach in front of the workshop. We don’t swim for too long (after all we are technically at work) but we get wet, get very cold and are all agreed that it is a great way to start the week. Monday is the day when most of our makers are in, it isn’t compulsory but everyone who works on Monday morning now joins us – we’ve even had a total nay sayer become a very keen sea swimmer. After all, you never regret a swim.
There are many benefits to sea swimming but we just think it is a great way to start the week. Over the last few years we have swam with seals, alongside rainbows and over to Tean, the small island to the West of St. Martin’s, it is a stretch of very deep water and it definitely felt like we were swimming with sea monsters as we left the comfort of the sandy shore and headed over the dark abyss!
*in all honesty we often wimp out in the depths of winter, but we blame it on things like tide and wind.